05 April 2005

I return? Maybe?

Yeah. I don't know. I found out that running on of these things takes a lot of time, if you want to do it right. But I'm going to give it one more shot. But first I'm going to get rid of the god-awful green design.


Uhm. I'm legal for everything except renting a car now. Hurray. Been through quite a lot in the last months. Almost-evictions, addictions, run-ins with the legal system, no money, et cetera. If nothing else, it's helped me to garner a real enjoyment of life, and to really try to savor all of the good moments. I think it's turned me Scottish Calvinist. There's a book out, which I need to buy/borrow/whatever, called The Wee Book of Calvin: Air-Kissing in the North East by Bill Duncan. It looks promising, and I think it would be neat to read something that details, possibly from a new perspective, my outlook on life. If you're not familiar with the Scottish version of Calvinism, basically it says that life has some really really shitty moments, but you should relish those moments, endure the suffering, because 1. it makes you a stronger person and 2. it's just another part of life, and -all- life experiences should be enjoyed and fully experienced.

It looks like, due to my happy fun times mentioned above, that I'm going to be here (LUC) for a fifth year. I really really want to go to LSE and get an MS in IR, but I've got to get my GPA up to at least a 3.5 in the next two years. It's something like 2.8, probably going down to 2.6, but I think I can do it. 18 hour semesters, busting my ass to get a 4.0 in each class, I think I can do it. I've got to do it. I'd like to think that I've taken the first few steps by distancing myself from people who might have been negative influences in my life. I could go into that, but I really don't want this blog to 'name names,' as it were. Part of getting out of this funk is being able to forgive, and I would consider listing the names and actions of anyone who has ever trespassed against me to be a bit overzealous and vengeful. So no more of that, it's behind me, and I'm going to keep it there.

So I've got this killer new job, in addition to my already killer old job (consulting). I'm a Segway tour guide! If you don't know what a segway is, go here and take a look. So much fun!

That's quite a bit of reading for one post, so I'm going to cut it off here, but will hopefully be posting more tonight/tomorrow/sometime. Maybe even some pictures!


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