09 April 2005

Might as well...

Well hey, looks like I might be able to be slightly consistent here. Maybe. Who knows, again. But I sure do like this new design I put up here; much more relaxed than the neon green crap. So, a few places I'd like to go with this blog -

  • Politics

  • Personal Goings-on

  • Personal observations

  • And whatever else I feel like

So, in keeping with that, here's a bit o' policy stuff.

Looks like ol' Jimmy-Jeff Gannonuckert had himself a fun time on TV yesterday morning. Via Crooks and Liars, we have the story, but even better, we have a highlight reel! I'm reviewing the video right now, at the 10:15 mark. I almost feel sorry for this guy. But I'm pretty sure C-Span has never been so entertaining. It's almost like Jerry Springer, except with suits and ties and no large men standing around.
Personally, I've always thought the guy was a bit of a nutjob. But this takes the cake. I'm puzzled as to how someone can actually think that it's a good thing that he was taking RNC and WH press releases and posting them, almost verbatim, on his site. He claims that there's this filter that the media applies to stories, and Julie Davis, I think it was, said something to the effect of, "Yes, that's called reporting." Journalism has always, at least in relatively free countries, been about adding a sense of individuality to the news. Nobody is going to get anything out of a press release - they're designed to spin a certain message or event in as good a light as possible for those who release them.
Now this is good. Around 12:05, Wayne Matheson asks the question which begs to be answered:

Matheson: Are you concerned that your advertising and participating in a business that's illegal in D.C. and neighboring jurisdictions might result in criminal investigation or prosecution, and if you're not concerned, why are you not concerned?

JeffyJames? Say it ain't so, JeffyJames! Say it ain't so!

Gannon: Well, first of all, you're speaking to things that have been alleged, and you know I'm not commenting on those things because none of it has anything to do with my reporting, and I didn't come here to discuss those things, I came here to talk about journalists and what constitutes journalism. So thanks for the question, but I can't go into that any further.

Well maybe he wasn't whoring himself out, but he was doing some interesting things on the side.

But it gets much better. Go watch.


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