11 March 2006

What a day


Sometimes, you manage to find yourself in the middle of one hell of a day. One hell of a great day, mind you. Today I woke up around 10:30, and made sure that the first thing I did was open all the windows. High of 65 today. Finally, spring has arrived, kinda. I say kinda, because my little weather gadget thing is telling me that it was a really smart thing to get out today, because in two days it'll be 30 again. If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes...

Anyway. I made today my bitch. I picked it up off the corner of 49th and Ashland and took it down to Rush street and made serious green. After getting my first taste of warm air since, oh, I dunno, six months ago or so, I chatted with the roomies, asked Dave if he had packed my missing cast iron pan by mistake ("Haha, no, man, I'd remember doing something like that") and fixed breakfast. The usual - and critically-acclaimed - cottage cheese, fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt, and 6 TBSP of granola. All Trader Joes organic, of course. There's something not quite right about the Jewel cottage cheese.

So here I am, eating breakfast. The night before, I had watched all of my Sci Fi Friday (thank God for DVR), save for the last 45 minutes of Galactica. So I decided to pair blueberry yogurt with Commanders Adama. Jesus, was that a ride. The show was fantastic, but I felt kinda jilted when they pulled the whole "One Year Later..." thing. Oh well.

Breakfast finished, I get my act together and shower, suit up, and head out with my bike out into the great mostly cloudy, 65 degree weather. To find that my tires are flat. Lucky for me, there's a bike shop a block away. Something about those guys makes me feel a little put-off... For example, when I first bought my bike from Rapid Transit over on North Ave, those guys were great, and really made me feel like I wasn't an idiot. These new guys, however, at the local shop, seemed like they'd rather be downing prairie oyster shooters than helping some numnut who couldn't figure out how to get the bike pump to work. Look, assholes, we all have our dumb days.

Finally, out the door, and on the bike. Man. I loaded up a new mix on my iPod and boy did it do the trick. I couldn't help smiling while I biked my way down Chicago, over to Orleans, then down Oak to State, which I took north till I hit the southern edge of Lincoln Park. PERFECT day. One hell of a headwind though. I blaze through the north-bound leg of my ride (sooo many hot chicks out) and make my clif bar break at my turnaround at Loyola. Helped some random chick with a really low-cut shirt carry her suitcase up two flights of outdoors stairs. No, I wasn't expecting anything, I just figured I'd be nice. Anyway, on the route back, I definately took 1.5x the outbound leg's time, all thanks to that damn headwind. Finally, I get home from what I estimate was 15 miles, and approximately 2 hours ride time. Remember, I had the headwind.

I walk through the door and realize I could really go for some hotdogs and Old Style. Dave agrees, so I trek down to Osco and grab said items. Get back, watch Pros vs Joes (hillarious), and then, after seeing that there's nothing good on TV tonight, go back to my room to listen to The News Quiz on BBC 4. Of course, I'm nice and sleepy from the ride, so I pass out shortly after the program finishes. Wake up, and it's thunderstorming out. Man, I love the weather today.

And now here I am, digging the great evening thunderstorm and listening to John Mayer and being reminded of Freshman year of college. This is probably one of the best days I've had in a while, and I really needed the recharge. Tomorrow, I gotta log around 16 hours in order to get the 40 billable for the week that Mike (boss, not roommate) wants us to log.

But man, what a great day. I feel alive.


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